The Anglican Church’s 5th Mark of Mission:
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth
Our eco values and practices
We see care for the Earth as part of Christ’s mission and we feel called to grow in faith through caring for creation
We are an environmentally aware Parish and this is reflected in our Vestry decisions, sermons and personal commitment to local initiatives such as the Temuka Combined Churches Food Bank
We recycle and have clear recycling signage in our kitchens for general recycling collection, glass and green (organic) waste for commercial composting
We avoid buying and using disposables cutlery and crockery at church by using reusable items instead from our Parish kitchen. We also use re-useable glass communion cups instead of disposable plastic ones.
We promote sharing of books through our community book exchange, Parish library and collection of adult and children's bibles for anyone to use or keep if they don't have one of their own.
Our small groups explore topics including environmental issues and faith, such as a bible study series on caring for creation and sustainability
We have special services during the year that highlight creation care; Spring and Harvest Services
Heaters in Parish facilities have timers to avoid them being left on accidentally and using extra energy.
Car pooling is organised for off-site services
We financially support Anglican Missions; an international development, mission and aid agency. They provide humanitarian work following natural disasters which are being exacerbated by climate change and in areas like the Pacific that are being impacted by rising sea levels.
Together with the wider Anglican church, church properties and investments are ethically invested by the Church Property trustees, who make sure investments are not made with companies that have poor environmental or exploitative labour practices.
Our ideas for the future
Our Parish plans to explore;
Creating an Environmental Policy with emphasises waste reduction
Environmentally-friendly cleaning products
Using Parish outdoor areas for events like community markets
Introducing practical eco tips and advice on caring for God’s earth in weekly Pew News handouts