Visitor info
Are you looking for faith, hope & community?
Whether you are looking for spiritual refreshment or a sense of community our doors are open to you. You are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings as we gather to pray and worship, or to make contact in a way that works best for you.
What are you facing alone?
- Illness?
- Financial insecurity?
- Loneliness?
- Feeling overwhelmed?
- Spiritual stagnation?
What we offer
Be a part of a welcoming and supportive faith community
Get a fresh perspective on your life and hope for the future
Spiritual growth
Be inspired and challenged in your faith and values
What our members say
How to join a church service
1. Pick a service
Our services vary so check them out and see what style fits best with you
2. Find a car park
There is parking available on either side of the street and alongside the grass median strip so finding a car park will be easy
3. Come on in
Someone will greet you at the door. Sit wherever you feel comfortable. There's an activity corner for children at the back of the church.
What to expect at a service
Typically a service will consist of worship (faith themed) songs, a sermon (a talk on a faith based topic), a time of prayer, followed by more songs, before a short time of notices about upcoming parish events. Afterwards there is shared morning tea with tea, coffee and biscuits provided by the church.
We offer a range of services within the Parish. Please see the Weekly Services page for more information about individual services, their styles and times.
For special annual services such as Christmas, Easter and Lent, please see the Annual Services & Events page.
Communion is a tradition we practice by having a small amount of bread and wine during a church service. Jesus invited his followers to use these common everyday food/drink items as symbols to remember his life, death and resurrection by. The bread represents his body, which we say "was broken for us", and the wine his blood, which "was shed for us". This may sound strange to newcomers, but for Christians, it helps us remember and celebrate the lengths that God has gone to, to save us.
Communion is part of many of our services and is offered to all who wish to partake. All Communion services offer wine in two options; a shared cup or a small individual glass.
Dietary requirements: Gluten-free wafers are available at all communion services.
Often there will be a time in a service when we collect donations for the upkeep of church (the buildings, and to assist with our church's outreach to the community); this is called the “offering”. As a visitor we don’t expect you to contribute financially, unless you want to.
At St Peter’s children stay in the church during the service and there is an activity table for them to use if they'd like. We have a monthly all-age service where the children are encouraged to interact and take part in, as they feel comfortable.
There is plenty of free on-street parking along Dyson Street. The car parks near the curb directly outside the church have a 60 minute limit. The church has wheelchair access with a newly built permanent ramp.
The Anglican Church’s 5th Mark of Mission is to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
Please see our Sustainability page to see our sustainability values and practices.
Rev Shirley or Rev Jill are typically available to chat after the 10am Sunday service if you have any quick questions.
If you want to talk further, have spiritual questions or need help please see these pages for more information;
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